On February 22nd and 23rd, 2025, Sovereign Grace Presbyterian Church will be celebrating our 25th anniversary


We invite you to join us for a special weekend as we reflect on the Lord’s faithfulness to our church over the past twenty-five years. 

Saturday, February 22nd

25th Anniversary Celebration Dinner and Program

5:00 – 8:00 pm

at the Community Life Center at Christ Covenant Church

800 Fullwood Lane, Matthews, NC


On Saturday night we will gather for our 25th Anniversary Celebration Dinner and Program in the Community Life Center at Christ Covenant Church. 

The fellowship dinner will be a catered buffet. And the evening's program will feature current and former ministers, past interns and long-term members, reflecting on the Lord's faithfulness to our church throughout our history. 


Our covenant children are welcome to attend. The dinner and program will be approximately 2 ½ hours long, so we encourage parents to do what is best for their family. If you have any questions, please reach out to one of our committee members or one of the pastors.  

Reservations for the dinner closed on February 13th.

For dinner, we suggest a donation of $15 per adult (Children 8-18 are $5, 7 and under are free). 

Please do not let the cost prevent you from attending; we would love to have you. 

If you can give above the suggested amount, it will be used to help underwrite the cost of the evening. 

You may contribute via check or cash at church, or you may pay online through Venmo. This is not a tax-deductible donation.

If giving cash/check, please notate *25th Anniversary Dinner*

Pay via Venmo HERE


Parking Information for the Community Life Center

Sovereign Grace Photo Collection

We are collecting photos from past SGPC events for a photo slideshow during the Saturday evening program. 

If you have any to contribute, please submit them to Ricky Johnson (ricky.johnson@sovereigngrace.org) by February 13th. 

Transportation Needs

If you need assistance getting to the dinner, we are happy to help! 

Please contact Henry DeBoer (henry.deboer@gmail.com) to communicate your need for Saturday night's event.

Sunday, February 23rd

Morning Worship

10:55 am at Sovereign Grace Presbyterian Church


Please join us at 10:55am for our Sunday morning worship service. 


Fellowship Reception

5:00 pm at the Great Hall, Sovereign Grace Presbyterian Church


Welcome our many visitors and friends who have invested in the ministry of Sovereign Grace throughout our history. Light refreshments provided.



Service of Thanksgiving

6:00 pm at Sovereign Grace Presbyterian Church


To conclude our weekend, we will gather for a Service of Thanksgiving. Please plan to join us at 6:00 pm as we offer praise and thanksgiving to God for his graciousness to our church over the past twenty-five years. 

RSVP for Sunday Night Events here

Sovereign Grace 25th Anniversary Committee

Laura and Bill Cooper

Mary and Homer Nash

Cameron Day

Henry DeBoer

Jennifer and Jason McArthur