Missions at Sovereign Grace

Sovereign Grace is dedicated as a church to the fulfilling of the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20). We do so through prayer, sending out missionaries from our own congregation, and financially supporting a variety of missionaries around the globe. One of the highlights of the year in the life of our church is the annual missions conference, held every February. Each year we get the privilege of hearing from a guest preacher, renewing old friendships with missionaries, and getting in-person updates from the mission field.

Navigate the tabs above for more on missions at Sovereign Grace. You can read overviews of the different missionaries we support under “missionary overviews.” Members can access update videos through our secure webpage.

In all our missions efforts, whether it be prayer or financial support or sending missionaries, we do it all resting in Christ’s promise that he will build his church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it (Matthew 16:18).