2025 Missions Conference

Our 2025 Missions Conference will be held March 8-9, with pre-conference events beginning Sunday, March 2. Our speaker this year will be Dr. Gabe Fluhrer, Senior Pastor of First Presbyterian Church of Chattanooga. Dr. Fluhrer will be speaking on “The Lord's Prayer, Our Mission: Studies in John 17”. We also look forward to hearing from our missionaries at each of these events.

Below you can find our schedule for the entire missions week leading up to the conference. We hope you will join us as we take time to consider how God is building his kingdom around the world and to learn how we can be better equipped to support the work of missions. 

"I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." (Matthew 16:18)

Sign up to attend here 

Sign up to help and bring food

Sunday, March 2nd

Joint Sunday School- 9:45am in the Fellowship Hall

Please join us for a special Missions Sunday School hour in the Fellowship Hall as we prepare for our upcoming Missions Conference.

Wednesday, March 5th

Missionary Updates and Prayer- 6:30pm in Calvin Hall

During our Wednesday Night Prayer Service, we will hear updates and prayer requests from several of our missionaries via video.

Missions Committee Members

Nathan Burkhalter

Henry DeBoer

Jeff Henson

Guy and Dody Jeanrenaud

Rev. Will Keyton

Bryan Klazinga (Chair)

Greta Orcutt

Caleb Owen

Colson and Emma Parker

Elizabeth Seward

Rev. Ben Thomas

Evan and Coco Zhou